Published Works
Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook
Author of the Australia Chapter in the 2015 Edition by Neil and Harriet Pike, published by Trailblazer.
It was an honour to write the Australia chapter for this 'bible' of the bicycle touring world. Penned with fellow authors Pikes On Bikes and Tom's Bike Trip, among others, it covers all you need to know to pedal off into the sunset. For many years I ran a rather popular cycle touring website called Cycle Traveller. Sadly, when my day job became so much so that the website became terribly outdated, I made the hard decision to decommission it. But the handbook still exists and presents some solid advice garnered from my adventures.

Bright & Surrounds Official Visitor Guide
Words by Alia Parker, Published by Alpine Shire Council in 2022. Updated 2023.
Since 2018, I have written the Official Visitor Guides for one of Australia's most popular tourist destinations: Bright & Surrounds. This free publication is available at Visitor Information Centres and tourism businesses throughout Victoria and parts of New South Wales and South Australia. Smaller projects for this client include the recent Bright & Surrounds Walks & Trails Guide and the Bright & Surrounds Cycle Guide, as well as website content and SEO.
Need a copywriter?
From time to time, I take on select copywriting clients. My writing background combined with experience in management, marketing, tourism, economics and finance, and the ability to produce written copy for print and online as well as radio, video and pubic speaking, is ideal for working on a wide range of projects.